According to the lecture, sustainability is to keep something from getting destroyed or getting effected in a bad and trying to sustain something. Yes, sustainability is very important because without trying to maintain something, it could get damage and a heavy loss would occur.
Sustainable agriculture:
Agriculture can be made more sustainable by polyculture of perennials, finding alternative crops, growing more nitrogen fixing crops and increasing the growth of organic crops.
Polyculture of perennial:
One alternative to monoculture is polyculture which mean to grow different kind of crops in such a way that warm and cold season grasses and nitrogen fixing crops could be grown closely. These crops have different life cycles so that they will not be competing with each other for soil nutrients , but the would mature at the same time and it would be easier to harvest them. For example, Illinois bundle flower is a warm season legume and nitrogen fixer which is high in protein and can be harvested year after year with out replanting. Polyculture of perennial would reduce soil erosion from plowind every year whichle it would make it easier to control diseases and pests.
Alternative crops:
Growing crops other than the monoculturing crops would be of great benefit . Alternative crops being high in nutritional value and additional nutrients provide consumers the health benefit of consuming nutrients that their bodies were deprived of. For example alternative crops such as Quinoa, Amaranth, Tarwi, Tomarillo, Niranjilla and Oca. Amarnath, Tarwi, Oca and Quinoa are high in Lysine, protien and fats while Naranjilla and Tomarillo is high in vitamins. Ability to withstand harsh temperatures will make it possible to grow crops even in high altitudes and high temperatures where otherwise the regular crops would not have survived. Alternative crops such like Niranjilla, Ocas and Tarwin which can endure droughts and cold temperature while Amaranth can be grown in extreme heat. Alternative crops that can be grown in poor soil such as Amaranth, and Oca, will make it possible to use less fertile soil also. Nitrogen fixing alternative crops would make it possible to nourish poor quality soil while yielding crops at the same time. For example,Tarwi, an alternative crop, is a nitrogen fixing legume can be grown in poor quality soil and can also be used as manure to nourish poor quality soil.
Organic farming :
Organic farming is a type of agriculture in which the plant sare grown without the use of chemical fertilizers, pestcides and insecticides. This method of farming is good for the environment and consumers because the soil is not damaged during organic farming and the food produced is free of chemicals which is good for health.
Legume and nitrogen cycle.
Legumes have nitrogen fixing bacteria in its root nodules so the legumes can convert nitrogen from the soil into nitrates and ammonium and use themselves without the help of nitrogen fixing bacteria in soil . These bacteria are species of Genus Rhizobium convert atmospheric nitrogen into ammonium and nitrates which is used by plants to make protein and nitrogenous compounds. Due to the presence of nitrogen fixing bacteria in root nodules of soil, legumes can also nourish the soil that is stripped off of nitrogen. This property means that legumes can be grown in poor quality soil and even to treat barren land. Legumes are used as green manure to enrich soil.
Consumers and agriculture sustainability:
Consumers can help in spreading the word that sustainability is very important in agriculture. Consumer are the one buying all the crops, So, they are very important in the whole crops growing and selling chain. Producers will only produce what consumers like. So, consumers should try to promote the sustainable agriculture practices.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Monday, December 3, 2007
Global Warming and food supply
Global Warming:
Photosynthesis uses up carbondioxide produced by by burning fuel, deforestation and pollution. And the excess carbondioxide in the air produced by carbondioxide causes a rise in the temperature because carbondioxide acts as a blanket and traps some of the heat from the sun.During respiration, human take in oxygen and give out carbondioxide. This carbondioxide goes into the air and from air plants use it to make food through the process called photosynthesis. Humans and plants are connected through respiration and photosynthesis. Thus, the Carbon dioxide produced by the humans is used up by the plants. In this way, plants use up the excess carbondioxide thus, maintaining the concentration of carbondioxide in the air. Carbon dioxide is a gas that reacts as a blanket for when the sun rays come into earth surface. When the sun's rays come into the earth's surface, carbondioxide and methane allows some of the sun's rays to go out of the atmosphere. While, carbondioxide and methane does not allow some sun's radiation to escape from the earth's surface. This is a natural phenomenon through which the earth keep the earth's temperature stable. This phenomenon is called green house effect. And the gases involved carbondioxide and methane are called green house gases. Every day the burning of fossil fuels and pollution increasing rapidly. This pollution and burning of fossil fuels increase the concentration of carbondioxide in the atmosphere. Plants through photosynthesis can only keep the amount produced by the humans in check while, the extra carbondioxide keeps accumulating in the atmosphere. This rise in carbondioxide cause extra heat to be trapped in the environment. This effect is called global warming. It means that the earth is getting warmer as the amount of carbondioxide increases in the atmosphere humans are cutting down forests which are carbondioxide consumers and are producing ., but also the rapid cutting of forests by humans. Humans are cutting forest ; so, there are not enough trees to regulate the amount of carbondioxide in the air. 25% of all carbondioxide emissions in the atmosphere are caused by the burning and cutting of 34 million acres of tree yearly.( Temperate forests around the world consume about 2 tons of carbondioxide every year.(ttp:// So, Humans are not only increasing the amount of carbondioxide in the air, but humans are also cutting down forest which actually use up carbondioxide from the atmosphere. This means that the amount of carbondioxide will increase while the amount of carbondioxide consumers will decrease.
Effect of Global warming on food supply:
The increased amount of carbondioxide is causing change in the pattern of trees growing.The increased amount of carbon dioxide in atmosphere is beneficial for some plants and not for others. This is causing an increase in the growth of shrubs which are replacing grasslands.( While the increase in precipitation has increased the growth of woody plants. This change in vegetation may lead to less forage for livestock grazing and also soil erosion is increasing because short grass is no longer there to hold the soil in its place. The increase in amount of carbondioxide has changed the pattern of trees in forests.
The climate change due to global warming is the cause of worries for the world food supply too. It is estimated that global warming will impact 63 to 369 million people in 2060 if this problem is no controlled. ( It is also believed that the world food production would decrease about 1 to 8 % putting increased number of people at risk for hunger and increased food prices.( The way that crops are planted and the timing would eventually need to be adjusted to control the effects of global warming on world food supply.
Global warming does not only cause an increase in the amount of carbondioxide, but also causes extreme changes in weather, increase in evaporation and forest fires due to increased temperature. All of these changes will also affect the agriculture in a negative a cause a decrease in the world's food supply. Large scale experiments have shown that drought and high atmospheric temperature will decrease food production in the coming decades.( Global warming causes changes in the temperature for example, it rains in regions where it hasn't rained before and it does not rain in regions where it used to rain a lot. This causes destruction of the crops in those region because people only grow the crops which were suitable for that climate. For example, Southern United States has less water then before and desertification as a result is expected to happen in the coming decades.( Another example is the study conducted by Colorado State University, that Colorado's grazing lands are becoming less productive as a result of global warming.( The extreme weather changes are also causing havoc on food supply, for example, It is expected that Florida will get much more heavy rainfalls and flooding which can ruin crops and citrus trees. A study conducted by Lawrence Livermore National Labs and Stanford University yields that production of the major crops such as corn, rice , soybeans, barley, sorghum and wheat will decrease to about 3 to 5 % for every degree the temperature rises. These crops are the major food source for most of the population and their production decreases, the world will suffer from shortage of food supply.
Work Cited:
Photosynthesis uses up carbondioxide produced by by burning fuel, deforestation and pollution. And the excess carbondioxide in the air produced by carbondioxide causes a rise in the temperature because carbondioxide acts as a blanket and traps some of the heat from the sun.During respiration, human take in oxygen and give out carbondioxide. This carbondioxide goes into the air and from air plants use it to make food through the process called photosynthesis. Humans and plants are connected through respiration and photosynthesis. Thus, the Carbon dioxide produced by the humans is used up by the plants. In this way, plants use up the excess carbondioxide thus, maintaining the concentration of carbondioxide in the air. Carbon dioxide is a gas that reacts as a blanket for when the sun rays come into earth surface. When the sun's rays come into the earth's surface, carbondioxide and methane allows some of the sun's rays to go out of the atmosphere. While, carbondioxide and methane does not allow some sun's radiation to escape from the earth's surface. This is a natural phenomenon through which the earth keep the earth's temperature stable. This phenomenon is called green house effect. And the gases involved carbondioxide and methane are called green house gases. Every day the burning of fossil fuels and pollution increasing rapidly. This pollution and burning of fossil fuels increase the concentration of carbondioxide in the atmosphere. Plants through photosynthesis can only keep the amount produced by the humans in check while, the extra carbondioxide keeps accumulating in the atmosphere. This rise in carbondioxide cause extra heat to be trapped in the environment. This effect is called global warming. It means that the earth is getting warmer as the amount of carbondioxide increases in the atmosphere humans are cutting down forests which are carbondioxide consumers and are producing ., but also the rapid cutting of forests by humans. Humans are cutting forest ; so, there are not enough trees to regulate the amount of carbondioxide in the air. 25% of all carbondioxide emissions in the atmosphere are caused by the burning and cutting of 34 million acres of tree yearly.( Temperate forests around the world consume about 2 tons of carbondioxide every year.(ttp:// So, Humans are not only increasing the amount of carbondioxide in the air, but humans are also cutting down forest which actually use up carbondioxide from the atmosphere. This means that the amount of carbondioxide will increase while the amount of carbondioxide consumers will decrease.
Effect of Global warming on food supply:
The increased amount of carbondioxide is causing change in the pattern of trees growing.The increased amount of carbon dioxide in atmosphere is beneficial for some plants and not for others. This is causing an increase in the growth of shrubs which are replacing grasslands.( While the increase in precipitation has increased the growth of woody plants. This change in vegetation may lead to less forage for livestock grazing and also soil erosion is increasing because short grass is no longer there to hold the soil in its place. The increase in amount of carbondioxide has changed the pattern of trees in forests.
The climate change due to global warming is the cause of worries for the world food supply too. It is estimated that global warming will impact 63 to 369 million people in 2060 if this problem is no controlled. ( It is also believed that the world food production would decrease about 1 to 8 % putting increased number of people at risk for hunger and increased food prices.( The way that crops are planted and the timing would eventually need to be adjusted to control the effects of global warming on world food supply.
Global warming does not only cause an increase in the amount of carbondioxide, but also causes extreme changes in weather, increase in evaporation and forest fires due to increased temperature. All of these changes will also affect the agriculture in a negative a cause a decrease in the world's food supply. Large scale experiments have shown that drought and high atmospheric temperature will decrease food production in the coming decades.( Global warming causes changes in the temperature for example, it rains in regions where it hasn't rained before and it does not rain in regions where it used to rain a lot. This causes destruction of the crops in those region because people only grow the crops which were suitable for that climate. For example, Southern United States has less water then before and desertification as a result is expected to happen in the coming decades.( Another example is the study conducted by Colorado State University, that Colorado's grazing lands are becoming less productive as a result of global warming.( The extreme weather changes are also causing havoc on food supply, for example, It is expected that Florida will get much more heavy rainfalls and flooding which can ruin crops and citrus trees. A study conducted by Lawrence Livermore National Labs and Stanford University yields that production of the major crops such as corn, rice , soybeans, barley, sorghum and wheat will decrease to about 3 to 5 % for every degree the temperature rises. These crops are the major food source for most of the population and their production decreases, the world will suffer from shortage of food supply.
Work Cited:
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Positive effects of Globalization:
I think one positive aspect of globalization is the increase in the production of crops when countries grow the crops that they specialize in meaning that the time is decreased in the production as they country already has sources to grow the crop with no problem. Instead of two countries growing crops differently , countries are assigned their specific counties and the production is increased.
Another positive effects of globalization is that it increases the export of food which otherwise would not be imported from the country. Because one of the rule of globalization is that no country can refuse to import the product of a country which participates in globalization for any reason. This way the import and export of food increases and the undeveloped countries also benefit from it as their crops are sold in developed countries and they profit from it.
One more positive effect of globalization is the movement of food from country to country. People are introduced with crops from all different countries rather that just the crops that they produce.
Negative effects of Globalization:
Globalization has many negative effects too, the one that I most don't like is that some countries get to produce more profitable crops while some countries get to produce lee profitable crops and thus are in loss. While globalization is not good fro the farmers as well as it is based on big businesses and the farmers suffer losses from it.
My thoughts:
I think that globalization has some impact on my life too as I get to eat crops from many different countries rather than just eating crops from mu country. I am introduced to new flavors. Plus, I am also against that developed countries have so much food while the undeveloped countries suffer from malnutrition. By, globalization the undeveloped countries also get a chance to make profit and this makes me feel really great. I also like the togetherness that globalization brings that countries work together to increase food production to feed the growing population.
I think one positive aspect of globalization is the increase in the production of crops when countries grow the crops that they specialize in meaning that the time is decreased in the production as they country already has sources to grow the crop with no problem. Instead of two countries growing crops differently , countries are assigned their specific counties and the production is increased.
Another positive effects of globalization is that it increases the export of food which otherwise would not be imported from the country. Because one of the rule of globalization is that no country can refuse to import the product of a country which participates in globalization for any reason. This way the import and export of food increases and the undeveloped countries also benefit from it as their crops are sold in developed countries and they profit from it.
One more positive effect of globalization is the movement of food from country to country. People are introduced with crops from all different countries rather that just the crops that they produce.
Negative effects of Globalization:
Globalization has many negative effects too, the one that I most don't like is that some countries get to produce more profitable crops while some countries get to produce lee profitable crops and thus are in loss. While globalization is not good fro the farmers as well as it is based on big businesses and the farmers suffer losses from it.
My thoughts:
I think that globalization has some impact on my life too as I get to eat crops from many different countries rather than just eating crops from mu country. I am introduced to new flavors. Plus, I am also against that developed countries have so much food while the undeveloped countries suffer from malnutrition. By, globalization the undeveloped countries also get a chance to make profit and this makes me feel really great. I also like the togetherness that globalization brings that countries work together to increase food production to feed the growing population.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
food safety
I think food safety is the responsibility of both producers and consumers. Producers should keep the rules for protecting food from becoming spoiled during their production. While, it is also consumers responsibility to keep an eye on the food that they consume and make sure they are eating fresh food which has less chance of spoilage. Producers should test their products before shipping it to the stores to make sure it is safe and does not contain bacteria and virus that can harm the consumers. Consumers should also inform the FSIS, if they discover that eating a certain food made them sick. So, that the FSIS can take the product of the market. General public should follow the rules to save themselves from eating spoiled food. They should keep hot foods hot and warm foods warm while cold foods cold. Proper storage of food is the responsibility of consumers as well as producers because this can help save people from food borne illnesses. So, in my opinion food safety is first the responsibility of producers, then consumers and to regulate all that and stop any spoiled food from further distribution.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Organic Food
Organic food production basically done without harming environment, animals, plants and life. Organic food production is done in a way that it does not harm the soil, is good for human health and does to have any negative effects on the environment. This usually mean abstaining from the use of fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides, hormones and fungicides. In organic food production, the animals are not given hormones to facilitate their growth while the plants are not given fertilizers, pesticides and insecticides. Food produced through organic food production is very healthy as it is pure and free of chemicals and hormones.
Drawbacks of organic food production:
High maintainability:
One of the problem with organic food production is that in organic farming it is really thought to save the crops from insect, pest and grown them. They require a lot of hard work since no insecticides or pesticides can be used on then and if it gets diseased the whole crops is ruined. Thus, it is bad for the industry but big food businesses do make up for their cost by increasing food prices.
Low yields:
This is another problem with organic food production that its yields are very low. Despite all the care is given the organic crops yield is low because no chemical fertilizers are used to help them grow rapidly as in non-organic farming. Also, when the animals are not given hormones their growth is slower and the yield is often less too. For example, cows are given hormones in non-organic methods so that they grow faster and give more mil while in organic method the cows grow slowly and give less milk because no artificial hormones are given.
Benefits of organic food production:
The benefits of organic farming and organic food production are mostly only for the consumers and environment in USA. Organic food is still in demand in USA, but because it is expensive, it is not preferred by most people.
Mostly people buy organic food because it is natural and healthy. Non-organic food is full of chemicals and fertilizers and is thus not very good for health because the effect of the additives can be accumulative. For example, the hormones injected to cows can accumulate in human body when we consume the milk produced by them or eat their meat. The hormones can later interfere with normal body functions and cause problems. For example, the consumption of meat in excess amount by pregnant women caused fertility problem in their sons since the hormones given to cows are female (hormones.
Environment friendly:
Another benefit of organic food is that , its production does to harm the environment because all the chemical are not sprayed in the air like in non-organic food production. So, environmentalist advocate organic food for this reason as the organic food spares the environment. Organic farming also does not reduce soil's fertility as the non-organic farming does. All the chemicals from non-organic methods go into the environment and damage it while organic food production is environment friendly. Natural methods like crop rotation to restore soil fertility and green manure is also used as natural fertilizers.
I think the big business of organic food and whole foods have a very bright future because awareness is increasing more and more that organic food is healthy. So, it does have a market. But, organic food requires more work and yield but big businesses compensate it by increasing the cost of their product. And the consumers are willing to pay a high price for healthy foods.
Drawbacks of organic food production:
High maintainability:
One of the problem with organic food production is that in organic farming it is really thought to save the crops from insect, pest and grown them. They require a lot of hard work since no insecticides or pesticides can be used on then and if it gets diseased the whole crops is ruined. Thus, it is bad for the industry but big food businesses do make up for their cost by increasing food prices.
Low yields:
This is another problem with organic food production that its yields are very low. Despite all the care is given the organic crops yield is low because no chemical fertilizers are used to help them grow rapidly as in non-organic farming. Also, when the animals are not given hormones their growth is slower and the yield is often less too. For example, cows are given hormones in non-organic methods so that they grow faster and give more mil while in organic method the cows grow slowly and give less milk because no artificial hormones are given.
Benefits of organic food production:
The benefits of organic farming and organic food production are mostly only for the consumers and environment in USA. Organic food is still in demand in USA, but because it is expensive, it is not preferred by most people.
Mostly people buy organic food because it is natural and healthy. Non-organic food is full of chemicals and fertilizers and is thus not very good for health because the effect of the additives can be accumulative. For example, the hormones injected to cows can accumulate in human body when we consume the milk produced by them or eat their meat. The hormones can later interfere with normal body functions and cause problems. For example, the consumption of meat in excess amount by pregnant women caused fertility problem in their sons since the hormones given to cows are female (hormones.
Environment friendly:
Another benefit of organic food is that , its production does to harm the environment because all the chemical are not sprayed in the air like in non-organic food production. So, environmentalist advocate organic food for this reason as the organic food spares the environment. Organic farming also does not reduce soil's fertility as the non-organic farming does. All the chemicals from non-organic methods go into the environment and damage it while organic food production is environment friendly. Natural methods like crop rotation to restore soil fertility and green manure is also used as natural fertilizers.
I think the big business of organic food and whole foods have a very bright future because awareness is increasing more and more that organic food is healthy. So, it does have a market. But, organic food requires more work and yield but big businesses compensate it by increasing the cost of their product. And the consumers are willing to pay a high price for healthy foods.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Biotechnology and labeling
My personal opinion is that producers should put labels on food to let consumers know if it is GM or not. Consumers have the right choose what they want to eat. They should not be kept unaware of what is going inside their body. So, that in the end they are the ones reliable for what they choose and not the producers.
Advantages of labeling:
The number one advantage of labeling is that consumers would know what they are eating and based on the labeling information they can decide weather or not they want to eat it or not.
In my opinion another advantage is that if everything is clearly labeled on the packages, then it will not be the producers liability later on. And the only one responsible would be the consumer because the consumer was provided with all the necessary information
Many people are allergic to the proteins used in biotechnology and by labeling all the information, those consumer would be warned to to eat that food. This would again mean that the producers will not be held reliable later on as everything was printed on the label before.
Disadvantages of labeling:
The primary disadvantage of labeling biotechnology derived food is that most people will not prefer that food and instead opt for regular food. This will mean great loss to the producers of the company.
Another disadvantage of labeling the crops derived from biotechnology has higher yields and if the consumers don't buy it after seeing the label, then the GM food producers would have to slow down the production. This will cause a rise in the price of food which consumers will have pay and also there will not be enough food to feed the world. It is biotechnology that has made it possible to feed the growing population.
I think that overall, if it is labeled that a food is GM or not, then consumers would benefit from it as they can chose weather or not they want to eat it or not base on their resources. While producers would certainly feel a decrease in the sale of their food as most people would opt for regular food instead of GM food. But, society will also suffer negatively from the labeling as the population is growing so fast and the only way to feed it is through increasing the food supply by biotechnology.
Advantages of labeling:
The number one advantage of labeling is that consumers would know what they are eating and based on the labeling information they can decide weather or not they want to eat it or not.
In my opinion another advantage is that if everything is clearly labeled on the packages, then it will not be the producers liability later on. And the only one responsible would be the consumer because the consumer was provided with all the necessary information
Many people are allergic to the proteins used in biotechnology and by labeling all the information, those consumer would be warned to to eat that food. This would again mean that the producers will not be held reliable later on as everything was printed on the label before.
Disadvantages of labeling:
The primary disadvantage of labeling biotechnology derived food is that most people will not prefer that food and instead opt for regular food. This will mean great loss to the producers of the company.
Another disadvantage of labeling the crops derived from biotechnology has higher yields and if the consumers don't buy it after seeing the label, then the GM food producers would have to slow down the production. This will cause a rise in the price of food which consumers will have pay and also there will not be enough food to feed the world. It is biotechnology that has made it possible to feed the growing population.
I think that overall, if it is labeled that a food is GM or not, then consumers would benefit from it as they can chose weather or not they want to eat it or not base on their resources. While producers would certainly feel a decrease in the sale of their food as most people would opt for regular food instead of GM food. But, society will also suffer negatively from the labeling as the population is growing so fast and the only way to feed it is through increasing the food supply by biotechnology.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Advantages and disadvantages of biotechnology
After reading more about biotechnology I think that in today's date biotechnology has more upside than down-sides. Either the downsides of biotechnology are not know yet or we are just overestimating the dangers of consuming GM foods.
The number one advantage of biotechnology is the increased production of food. Biotechnology has made it possible to produce crops that are disease resistant, drought resistant so the yield of the crops is increased dramatically. The increased production of food has made it possible to feed the growing population. Increased quantity of food also means that consumers will pay a decent price for the food.
Biotechnology has also made it possible to grow crops without the use of much chemicals, pesticides and herbicides since the GM crops already have built in immunity to diseases and pests. This means that GM crops are environment friendly and will spare environment unlike the usual crops which required a bundle of chemicals to be sprayed on them which afterwards damaged the environment.
Due to biotechnology, the cost of producing crops is decrease since the need for pesticides and herbicides is decreased. This had increased efficiency in the field of agriculture and reduced the overall cost. This also means that the consumers are also not going to have to pay a lot of money for the food since the cost of producing it was less.
Some GM crops produced by biotechnology are also high in some nutrients that ordinary crops are not high in. This is a very good benefit of biotechnology, since it is very healthy for the consumers to get the extra nutrients from GM crops. For example, golden rice which has extra iron and Vitamin A which can help save people from going blind in undeveloped countries due to vitamin A deficiency.
Another benefit from biotechnology is that it has increased the shelf life of some crops which is a good trait for the producers, seller and consumers. It will make food to stay fresh longer.
One fear from the use of biotechnology is that the genes could be transferred to other crops which they are not intended to go in and lead to problem, since the transfer of the genes would not be known. Consumers could get an allergic reaction to the food when they consume food that is contaminated with the gene or bacteria transmitted through cross-pollination unknowingly.
Seeds of GM crops are relatively higher in cost, so the poor farmers have a hard time reaching them.
With biotechnology, there are some fear of health risks that might not be know now and developed later. This would really be devastating as the use Gm crops increasing throughout the world
The benefits f biotechnology over weigh the downside in today's date. Since, it is really important to increase the production of food to meet the needs of growing population. While, the safety of the GM crops is tested fist by USDA, FDA and EPA before any GM crop is given permission to grow and sell.
Work Cited:
Levetin, E and McMahon, K., 2006, Plant And Society,Fourth Edition,New York City, 524p.
The number one advantage of biotechnology is the increased production of food. Biotechnology has made it possible to produce crops that are disease resistant, drought resistant so the yield of the crops is increased dramatically. The increased production of food has made it possible to feed the growing population. Increased quantity of food also means that consumers will pay a decent price for the food.
Biotechnology has also made it possible to grow crops without the use of much chemicals, pesticides and herbicides since the GM crops already have built in immunity to diseases and pests. This means that GM crops are environment friendly and will spare environment unlike the usual crops which required a bundle of chemicals to be sprayed on them which afterwards damaged the environment.
Due to biotechnology, the cost of producing crops is decrease since the need for pesticides and herbicides is decreased. This had increased efficiency in the field of agriculture and reduced the overall cost. This also means that the consumers are also not going to have to pay a lot of money for the food since the cost of producing it was less.
Some GM crops produced by biotechnology are also high in some nutrients that ordinary crops are not high in. This is a very good benefit of biotechnology, since it is very healthy for the consumers to get the extra nutrients from GM crops. For example, golden rice which has extra iron and Vitamin A which can help save people from going blind in undeveloped countries due to vitamin A deficiency.
Another benefit from biotechnology is that it has increased the shelf life of some crops which is a good trait for the producers, seller and consumers. It will make food to stay fresh longer.
One fear from the use of biotechnology is that the genes could be transferred to other crops which they are not intended to go in and lead to problem, since the transfer of the genes would not be known. Consumers could get an allergic reaction to the food when they consume food that is contaminated with the gene or bacteria transmitted through cross-pollination unknowingly.
Seeds of GM crops are relatively higher in cost, so the poor farmers have a hard time reaching them.
With biotechnology, there are some fear of health risks that might not be know now and developed later. This would really be devastating as the use Gm crops increasing throughout the world
The benefits f biotechnology over weigh the downside in today's date. Since, it is really important to increase the production of food to meet the needs of growing population. While, the safety of the GM crops is tested fist by USDA, FDA and EPA before any GM crop is given permission to grow and sell.
Work Cited:
Levetin, E and McMahon, K., 2006, Plant And Society,Fourth Edition,New York City, 524p.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Biotechnology in Rice production
A type of rice in made in Kansas that has a protein that produces human- immune system proteins in their seeds. This is the first crop that has been given okay bu agriculture department that contains is genetically engineered to contain human genes. The protein can be extracted and used in health foods and given to children to help with diarrhea. Three such types of rice have been produced, each supplied with a different gene and produce lactoferrin and lysozyme. This can be very helpful as the engineered rice proteins can relieve children from diarrhea. Studies showed that children recovered faster from diarrhea when they were given salty fluids with this protein in it. But, there are concerns with this engineered rice to as their are no long term studies done to see the side -effects on humans when it is consumed. One concern is that the proteins that are being produced in rice might be allergens for some people.There is also a concern that the genetically seeds of engineered rice might migrate to other field crops and then come into th food that they are not supposed to be in. This way the consumers might be scared that genetically engineered crops are getting mixed with usual crops. People allergic to th proteins found in genetically engineered rice would accidentally consume the protein, this can have serious consequences. These genetically altered rice are produced in Ventria and Kansas.
Work cited:
Work cited:
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
green revolution
Yes, technology is very important to increase food production, but I think that it will only increase the quantity while decreasing the quality of the food. I value quality instead of quality, but then we do need a lot of quantity of food to feed the whole world.
Technology is very important t increase the food supply because the new machines have made it possible to plant and cut the crops faster. The chemical fertilizers have made it possible to increase the soil's ability to nourish plants artificially. New technology has made it possible to breed new diseases-resistant, high yielding crops and thus enabling us to increase food production. Without new technologies, it used to take a lot of time to plant the crops by hand then pick them by hand. And the new disease-resistant crops also help increase the food production as otherwise some of the crops might get damaged by the disease. Therefore, new technologies are very important in increasing the quantity of the food.
Technology is very important t increase the food supply because the new machines have made it possible to plant and cut the crops faster. The chemical fertilizers have made it possible to increase the soil's ability to nourish plants artificially. New technology has made it possible to breed new diseases-resistant, high yielding crops and thus enabling us to increase food production. Without new technologies, it used to take a lot of time to plant the crops by hand then pick them by hand. And the new disease-resistant crops also help increase the food production as otherwise some of the crops might get damaged by the disease. Therefore, new technologies are very important in increasing the quantity of the food.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Population growth
In my opinion, Mathus is correct to some extent but not completely. I agree with Mathus that the population will continue to increase if left unchecked;but, I don't think population growth could increase to an extent that enough food will not be available for everyone. Scientists are trying to find new breeds of crops that will be fast growing and have heavy yields that would be able to feed the increasing population. I think humans are capable enough to provide food for the grwoing population by also increasing their crop productivity.
I think China's one child policy is viable in the sense that it keeps a check on the population; but, it is also has a drawback because people opt for abortion if the gender of the child is not what they want it to be. If such a law is to be created then there should also be a law against abortion, then only this aw can be viable and not cruel.
In my opinion, one way to control the population is to create awareness. People should be educated that they should not have more children that they can feed easily. They should be educated about the consequences that if they have more children that the can feed, then the quality of life would not even be low but in developing countries they might not be even able to feed them. It is not only tough for the parent of too many children with not enough sources, but it is also cruel for the children. Spreading knowledge about consequences of more children than sources can help people realize and may be think about controlling population.
I think China's one child policy is viable in the sense that it keeps a check on the population; but, it is also has a drawback because people opt for abortion if the gender of the child is not what they want it to be. If such a law is to be created then there should also be a law against abortion, then only this aw can be viable and not cruel.
In my opinion, one way to control the population is to create awareness. People should be educated that they should not have more children that they can feed easily. They should be educated about the consequences that if they have more children that the can feed, then the quality of life would not even be low but in developing countries they might not be even able to feed them. It is not only tough for the parent of too many children with not enough sources, but it is also cruel for the children. Spreading knowledge about consequences of more children than sources can help people realize and may be think about controlling population.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Cattle Grazing
I think that there is no harm in allowing cows to graze in publicly owned land unless they are destroying flowers or ornamental plants. There is no harm in letting them graze in a field , it is healthier for the cows to move around freely and graze. As long as the livestock's owners maintain the area I think it is okay to let them graze their cows in publicly owned fields. Grazing is also beneficial for the growth of field. The fecal material and the urine also acts as fertilizers for the soil. While the trampling of the ground by cows help regulate air in soil and allows water to go into the soil easily as the soil get loosened.
I don't think that fees should be raised for private land leases because then the rancher might not prefer to graze the cows and just keep them in an artificial environment. They need a natural environment to grow properly. They are already injected with hormones and steroids and on top of that ranchers should not be discouraged of bringing their cows to graze in fields.
I don't think that fees should be raised for private land leases because then the rancher might not prefer to graze the cows and just keep them in an artificial environment. They need a natural environment to grow properly. They are already injected with hormones and steroids and on top of that ranchers should not be discouraged of bringing their cows to graze in fields.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Farm Susidies Good or Bad.
After reading the articles provided and doing some research on the internet, I think that farm subsidies have some good points and some bad points.
The good side of farm subsidies is that farmers know that they have security and stability if a natural disaster was to harm their crops. The have something to lean on if their crops get ruined by weather or any disease. Adrienne Lewis of USA Today said in an farm subsidizing report that "Farmers deserve a safety net to help them survive when bad weather damages crops". USA produces enough food to not only satisfy today's needs but also have food for bad times and it also exports crops on a very cheap price. This abundance of food also means that the general population will get the food at a very cheap price. If farm subsidies was to cut then the price of food might dramatically increase and it might even out the money that tax payers pay for farm subsidies. It is also a fear that USA might not have this stability in food department and agriculture.
The bad side of farm subsidies is that now a days more than half of the farming is done by big farming businesses which don't need farm subsidies. So, most of the money that taxpayers pay goes to these big farming businesses as Steven Kull in his farm subsidies report says "approximately 80 % of U.S subsidies go to large farming business". This is not fair for the taxpayers pocket because the hard-earned money doesn't reach deserving people. And in return the poor tax-payer is is drowning in dept. Another downside of farm subsidies is not only to USA but to the countries where U.S exports the food so cheaply. Because U.S exports the food so cheaply, countries like Jamaican farmers cannot compete with U.s's low prices and in turn stay in loss. USA exporting food so cheaply is not good as it increases the overproduction of crops which decreases the market price and in turn the farm subsidies goes up to. Even people who don't do farming but have farm lands also get subsidies. So, the only one paying for all of this is the tax-payer while big farming businesses also take the advantage of the subsidies.Farm subsidies also have another bad side that it encourages Large farming business to grow more and more crops faster and in doing so they add lots of pesticides and fertilizers damaging the environment. This also mean that the crops are going to be less healthy and full of fertilizers and pesticides which can puts consumers health in jeopardy.
In my opinion, subsidies should only be given to deserving farmers which do farming for living and not the large farming companies. Tax-payer should not have to pay so much as farm subsidies that they go in debt. There should be a strict system that only allows to get farmers that actually grow crops for a living to get farm subsidies and not large faming companies or those people who own farm lands but don't not cultivate. This will also be in favor of taxpayers as they would have to pay less farm subsidies; on the other hand, farmers will also have security and the stability in USA's agriculture and food department would not be damaged. I discovered one more thing while researching on this topic that most of the money only five crops which are corn, wheat, cotton, soybeans and rice. So, how do all of the other crops do well without th ehelp of the government. I think that subsidies should not be given regularly;but, only to farmers when they are in need or when bad weather or a famine destroys their crops.
work cited:
The good side of farm subsidies is that farmers know that they have security and stability if a natural disaster was to harm their crops. The have something to lean on if their crops get ruined by weather or any disease. Adrienne Lewis of USA Today said in an farm subsidizing report that "Farmers deserve a safety net to help them survive when bad weather damages crops". USA produces enough food to not only satisfy today's needs but also have food for bad times and it also exports crops on a very cheap price. This abundance of food also means that the general population will get the food at a very cheap price. If farm subsidies was to cut then the price of food might dramatically increase and it might even out the money that tax payers pay for farm subsidies. It is also a fear that USA might not have this stability in food department and agriculture.
The bad side of farm subsidies is that now a days more than half of the farming is done by big farming businesses which don't need farm subsidies. So, most of the money that taxpayers pay goes to these big farming businesses as Steven Kull in his farm subsidies report says "approximately 80 % of U.S subsidies go to large farming business". This is not fair for the taxpayers pocket because the hard-earned money doesn't reach deserving people. And in return the poor tax-payer is is drowning in dept. Another downside of farm subsidies is not only to USA but to the countries where U.S exports the food so cheaply. Because U.S exports the food so cheaply, countries like Jamaican farmers cannot compete with U.s's low prices and in turn stay in loss. USA exporting food so cheaply is not good as it increases the overproduction of crops which decreases the market price and in turn the farm subsidies goes up to. Even people who don't do farming but have farm lands also get subsidies. So, the only one paying for all of this is the tax-payer while big farming businesses also take the advantage of the subsidies.Farm subsidies also have another bad side that it encourages Large farming business to grow more and more crops faster and in doing so they add lots of pesticides and fertilizers damaging the environment. This also mean that the crops are going to be less healthy and full of fertilizers and pesticides which can puts consumers health in jeopardy.
In my opinion, subsidies should only be given to deserving farmers which do farming for living and not the large farming companies. Tax-payer should not have to pay so much as farm subsidies that they go in debt. There should be a strict system that only allows to get farmers that actually grow crops for a living to get farm subsidies and not large faming companies or those people who own farm lands but don't not cultivate. This will also be in favor of taxpayers as they would have to pay less farm subsidies; on the other hand, farmers will also have security and the stability in USA's agriculture and food department would not be damaged. I discovered one more thing while researching on this topic that most of the money only five crops which are corn, wheat, cotton, soybeans and rice. So, how do all of the other crops do well without th ehelp of the government. I think that subsidies should not be given regularly;but, only to farmers when they are in need or when bad weather or a famine destroys their crops.
work cited:
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