Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Population growth

In my opinion, Mathus is correct to some extent but not completely. I agree with Mathus that the population will continue to increase if left unchecked;but, I don't think population growth could increase to an extent that enough food will not be available for everyone. Scientists are trying to find new breeds of crops that will be fast growing and have heavy yields that would be able to feed the increasing population. I think humans are capable enough to provide food for the grwoing population by also increasing their crop productivity.
I think China's one child policy is viable in the sense that it keeps a check on the population; but, it is also has a drawback because people opt for abortion if the gender of the child is not what they want it to be. If such a law is to be created then there should also be a law against abortion, then only this aw can be viable and not cruel.
In my opinion, one way to control the population is to create awareness. People should be educated that they should not have more children that they can feed easily. They should be educated about the consequences that if they have more children that the can feed, then the quality of life would not even be low but in developing countries they might not be even able to feed them. It is not only tough for the parent of too many children with not enough sources, but it is also cruel for the children. Spreading knowledge about consequences of more children than sources can help people realize and may be think about controlling population.

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